Jabber Applet Users Guide
This users guide is organized as follows:
  • Starting the Applet
  • Contact List
  • Chat Sessions

      Starting the Applet
    Starting the applet requires accessing an html page that is located on a Jabber Server machine. A user then (if not already registered) registers with the Jabber Server and logs on.

  • Loading the applet is accomplished by accessing an html page that containing the Jabber Applet load instructions (described in the installation section).

  • Connecting to the Server consists of registering (1st time only) and logging on. Whenever starting the applet you will be given a logon page. If you don't currently have an account on the Jabber Server where the applet was loaded you'll need to create an account using the registration/New Account button. Completing the Registration/New Account information allows you to logon to the specified Jabber Server with the Jabber Applet (or any other Jabber Client) in the future.

  • Contact List
    The Contact List (or Roster) is the primary visual tool used to determine someones online status (presence). Following a successful logon your contact list will be displayed. The toolbar at the top of the display allows the user to perform administrative type functions to their contact list. The contact list consists of users (and gateways) you have 'subscribed' to. These contacts are organized in groups you've created. Selecting (double-clicking) a contact in the list starts a chat session with a user.

    Contact List Display
    The Contact List consists of groups. Each Group has one or more Contacts. Each of the Contacts has a presence/status associated with him/her. No status corresponds to offline.

    Contact List Administration
    Your Contact List is administered by your subscribing to other people. It is also automatically administered for you in the case of GroupChat.

    A contact is added to your contact list (a) using the toolbar User/Add Contact option or (b) a user subscribes to your presence and you accept his/her subscription invitation.

    Note: When someone is adding you to his/her contact list you will be shown a similar form with the JabberID automatically filled. Pressing <Ok> will automatically add the user to your contact list, pressing <Cancel> will reject the users add.

    Chat Sessions

    A JabberApplet Instant Messaging (or GroupChat) session is a basic chat session with history (for that current chat session).